Events that connect us
through fabulous ideas

Adrian Sfichi
🙌 With the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, Qualibro, Techcelerator, powered by ROTSA and People of Tech and other local actors in the ecosystem, hosted by Fab Lab Iasi, we are back in 2024 with our Founders Club Iași monthly series of meetups, committed to showcasing the best practices and the success stories of local startups that are scaling globally.
HackDay #57 Dacă poți oferi din timpul, cunoștințele și talentul tău pentru a construi alături de noi soluții digitale pentru România, vino să ne cunoști la o nouă ediție HackDay, online și onsite. Participă și tu la schimbare! Este un moment în care comunitatea noastră a demonstrat că poate ajuta zeci de milioane de români. Împreună cu tine PUTEM construi și mai mult. Contribuie la unul dintre proiectele Tech for Social Good!
Claudiu Florea și Marius Lupu
Dear community, This year we want to create a mix of inspiration for design and technology lovers. That's why on January 23, 2024 we are starting a new series of events, in a new format: representatives of the People of Design & People of Tech communities will present their stories together. It will be an excellent opportunity for networking and creating multidisciplinary projects!
Dan Tudorache
Bogdan Puiu

Fab Lab Iași community, an identity crafted to foster creativity and business.

We are grateful for every person that actively contributed at the growth and wellbeing of our community.
Thank you for being fabulous!

We share our resources and support with our co-creative network

TRUST. OPENNESS. INNOVATION. These are our core principles.

Come and see us

If you’re tired of working from home or you simply want to exchange ideas among some nice people, come and have a coffee with us.