Events that connect us
through fabulous ideas

Andrei Onofrei
The new form of online communication has brought great improvement possibilities, by overcoming the limitations of time and space. However, online presence have also modified the communication rules, e.g., those related to proxemics or the challenge in reading nonverbal cues. And those need a little adjusting to adapt to this new form of everyday communication. Body language is one of these ways. I invite you to discuss together how body language has changed in this virtual world, as well as some techniques to improve your listening and overall communication in the virtual world. Bring also your experiences, questions and challenges in virtual world!
Vă invităm la lansarea jurnalului ghidat VeloEpic - Călătoriile mele pe bicicletă, un ✅concept unic pe piața din România, creat de Ioana Amăriuței Popa, special pentru iubitorii de pedalat.
Dear community, March calls us together for the #3 inspiring event by People of Design & Tech, with two empowering guests: Andrei Botez, Group Head of Creative Services @Endava and Marian Petrescu, Head of Computing and Chassis Units @ Continental Automotive. What they have in common is a strong growth mindset that brings their environment to the next level.
Alin Popescu
Discutăm frecvent despre impactul pe care tehnologia îl are asupra vieții moderne și despre tendințele digitale ce conturează un viitor extrem de viu și plin de surprize. De aceea, îți propunem o discuție live alături de Alin Popescu, Fondator & CEO și Co-Founder Vom schimba idei despre prezent și ce urmează să se întâmple în viitor în privința lumii digitale și (uneori) a reglementării ei.
Toți ne gândim cum simt recunoștința colegii din organizația noastră din activitatea ce o fac, inclusiv din cea arătată - că e meeting lunar, review anual sau o constatare spontană. Această percepție se traduce și în loializare (cât stă în organizație angajatul), în productivitate ori satisfacția lor la locul de muncă!
Igor Ševo
Robotic process automation becomes agentic process automation in the realm of digital processes. Generative AI is expected to be the platform enabling the replacement of menial manual labor, especially in digital workflows.
Mircea Vădan
Vrei să afli cum să-ți evaluezi corect ideea de startup?   La 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐩 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭-𝐮𝐩 #𝟑 vom dezbate subiectul împreună cu Mircea Vădan, investitor cu experiență. 
Welcome to a special edition of Founders Club Iași, where we are committed to showcasing the best practices and the success stories of local startups that are scaling globally. This event is possible with the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, and Techcelerator, powered by ROTSA and People of Tech with the support of other local actors in the ecosystem and hosted at Fab Lab 3.

Fab Lab Iași community, an identity crafted to foster creativity and business.

We are grateful for every person that actively contributed at the growth and wellbeing of our community.
Thank you for being fabulous!

We share our resources and support with our co-creative network

TRUST. OPENNESS. INNOVATION. These are our core principles.

Come and see us

If you’re tired of working from home or you simply want to exchange ideas among some nice people, come and have a coffee with us.