Leadership in Innovation: A Fireside Chat with Aref Matin, CTO of Wiley

Aref Matin
People of Tech - Aref Matin
People of Tech - Aref Matin

Event Description

Join us for an exclusive 90-minute fireside chat with Aref Matin, Chief Technology Officer at Wiley, as we delve into the intersection of leadership, innovation, and technology. 

Event timeline:

18:00 – Welcome & Networking

18:30 – Fireside Chat with Aref Matin, CTO of Wiley

20:00 – Pizza & Networking

Please reserve your spot here: https://forms.gle/pJPEyM4X8G92ZXm79

The recommended minimum donation is 30 lei. Your contribution will be directed to the @Salvati Copii Iasi fund, here: https://bit.ly/SalvatiCopiiiIasi

We appreciate your involvement!

With over two decades of experience driving digital transformation in the publishing and tech sectors, Aref will share insights into leading teams through change, fostering a culture of innovation, and navigating the challenges of the digital age. This conversation is a must-attend for entrepreneurs, technologists, and leaders looking to inspire and drive meaningful progress in their own organizations. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with one of the most influential voices in tech leadership!

Bring your questions and join us for a thought-provoking and inspiring session!

Event Highlights:

• Aref Matin’s journey and leadership philosophy

• Key trends shaping the future of technology and innovation

• Practical tips for driving digital transformation within your organization

• Q&A session with the audience

See you there!

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