The New Era of Finances: Money Streaming

Răzvan Gabriel Apostu & Cristian Grăunte

Event Description

With the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, Qualibro, Techcelerator, powered by ROTSA and People of Tech and other local actors in the ecosystem, hosted by Fab Lab Iași, Founders Club Iași is inviting you to the monthly series of meetups. We are committed to showcasing the best practices and the success stories of local startups that are scaling globally.
In this series of events, we facilitate connections for founders with business peers, advisors, investors, technology partners, innovators in local companies, and public stakeholders.
We are designing each event having in mind the already existing best practices in the local community, the frameworks of validation & scaling used to build lean startups & MVPs that accelerate international expansion. We are always considering the Paul Graham startup definition: “A startup is a temporary organization in search of a highly scalable and repeatable business model”. There is not enough to be big in your home market.

In this summer edition, we show up with Răzvan Gabriel Apostu the Co-founder and CPO at Sablier.
 Răzvan Gabriel Apostu has over 10 years of experience in designing and developing innovative products with a full bag of startup experience working closely with other founders around the globe. And with a huge passion for Web3 technologies, he co-founded Sablier in 2019.
Sablier the Universal streaming engine. Hundreds of organizations of all sizes and types use Sablier to stream crypto to their employees, investors and community members.
Sablier is the leading token streaming protocol on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Gnosis Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and BNB Chain. It’s the first of its kind to have ever been built in crypto, tracing its origins back to 2019. Similar to how you can stream a movie on Netflix or a song on Spotify, you can stream tokens by the second on Sablier.

And now, the agenda:
18:30 – Official start
18:30 – 19:00 Welcoming & networking
19:00 – 20:00 Răzvan Gabriel Apostu about finding the passion for building digital products and Web3 World
20:00 – Networking on drinks

Register here:

  Have you started a startup and are you looking to achieve bigger traction? Maybe you’re a serial entrepreneur looking for a new round of funding, a skilled developer, or a marketer looking to go out on your own, or corporate life simply isn’t for you.

Join the live and interactive events and pitch your ideas to include you in a future session (send us a message asap) or apply to spring edition –

 Interested in being a speaker in the future to share your big achievements? (send us a message asap).
Join the regular events to meet successful startups in Romania that managed to break the gravitational force and validated their business cases.

Meet our fabulous makers, entrepreneurs and world changers!

Sebastian Agachie
Adrian Munteanu
We are thrilled to announce our very first GRC Forum offsite event in IASI. This one will be dedicated to NIS 2 directive! This is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow members in person, share insights, and discuss the latest in network and information systems security. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting with NIS 2, this event will be an excellent platform for learning and networking.
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Alex Buretz
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Corina Neagu
Dragi specialiști de HR! acest Meet-up este unul deosebit! Avem musafir de la București venit special pentru voi, mai exact pe #CorinaNeagu!! 🙂 Dacă ultima dată am fost 30, acum ce ziceți? Dublăm sau triplăm prezența? 🙂 Vă invităm la un eveniment deosebit, "HR Centrat pe Oameni: Intersecția dintre Inimă ❤️ și AI", condus de experta HR Corina Neagu. Cu o vastă experiență în resurse umane, Corina înțelege profund cum să integreze abordările empatice, centrate pe oameni, cu tehnologiile de ultimă oră AI. Evenimentul va explora echilibrul dintre inteligența emoțională și avansările tehnologice, pentru a crea un mediu de lucru mai eficient și uman. Participanții vor obține perspective valoroase despre utilizarea AI, menținând în același timp o strategie HR centrată pe oameni.