People of Design & Tech meetings #2 with Adrian Mironescu & Georgiana Dragomir

Event Description

Dear community,

We are thrilled to invite you to the 2nd edition of this wonderful mix between design & tech. This time will be designing a special edition, with two remarkable guests: Georgiana Dragomir, CEO at Grapefruit and Adrian Mironescu (yes, he will be our guest this time!), Brand Identity Consultant and Designer at Wiron,  Founder of People of Design Iași.

We’ll be cooking a new inspiring experience through the optimistic flavor of changing the world. What’s the recipe? Being together with some love for design and leadership.

Let’s celebrate this together!

Where: Fab Lab 3, Morilor 56

When: 23rd February, starting with 18:10

Are you ready?


18:10 – 19:00 – ”The taste of leadership” with Georgiana Dragomir

19:00 – 19:20 –  Networking guided by Pizza di Napo’s taste

19:20 – 20:10 –  ”Design is optimism” with Adrian Mironescu

20:10 – 21:00 –  Free Networking!

Please reserve your sit here: 

The recommended minimum donation is 20 lei. Your contribution will go to the @Salvati Copii Iasi fund, here: 

We really appreciate your involvement!

More about our guests

In 2015, Georgiana Dragomir took over the leadership of Grapefruit as CEO and became a shareholder, after years as a dedicated Project Manager.

Under Georgiana’s visionary guidance, the company experienced a radical transformation. Her global recognition came even in 2016 when she was chosen from 800 international candidates to participate in the MIT Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, thus becoming the first Romanian woman awarded this

honor. Her impact was so great that she was invited back in 2017 to conduct interviews for MIT to select candidates for other programs.

On the local level, Georgiana is the only female CEO in Iași, who runs an independent company, with 100% Romanian capital, in the software development sector.

On the international stage, Georgiana was honored with the title of Gold Winner for “CEO of the Year” at the International Business Brilliance Awards in Great Britain in 2024.

See more here:


Adrian Mironescu is a brand designer who has made it his mission to bring change to the community using branding and design as impactful tools. He has received many prestigious recognitions, such as the gold at the Transform Awards for the city branding of Buzău in 2021, where he also received the title of Honorary Citizen, or the bronze in 2022, for a project with the World Bank, dedicated to flood protection. Last year he won a new award in London for Acolad – gentle dentistry, made together with his wife Andreea.

He has a background in computer science but believes in continuous learning, turning his passion for branding and design into a job. It always seeks an overall vision, emphasizing interdisciplinarity, and connecting strategy with verbal and visual identity, thus offering cohesive branding concepts. Under WIRON gathers multidisciplinary teams of specialists, having extensive projects for organizations such as WorldBank, Continental, Microsoft Romania, Roche, Mambu, the European Union, Buzău, ApaVital, Salvați Copiii, the PIN ecosystem but also various startups, because every brand has a beginning.

See more here:

See you soon!

Meet our fabulous makers, entrepreneurs and world changers!

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