New Media Jam – Workshop

New Media Jam - Fab Lab Iași
New Media Jam - Fab Lab Iași

Event Description

This event is a precursor to the NewMediaJam event. It is a free entry event.

In this workshop you will learn the basics to implement different forms of interactivity in your New Media installation. The start is on 20 of february and you will be greeted by 4 guides Grafo, Marian Mina, Georgeana Dura and Dr0mp.

You will learn how to plan and sketch out your concept, connect and interpret sensor data with touchdesigner(kinect, motion leap etc), how to program simple buttons on an arduino, how to enter the production by using cnc machines and 3d printers and how to polish and finish your new media instalation.

The event is made possible with the help of Romanian Creative Week, Fab Lab Iasi and People Of Design, created by GrafoXDromp.

NewMedia Jam is a creative event where artists and New Media enthusiasts come together to collaborate and develop New Media installations or experiences in a limited time.

Form for enrollment NMJ Workshop 20 Feb – 6 March @Fablab 1 Iasi.


Link To form:

Meet our fabulous makers, entrepreneurs and world changers!

Cristian China-Birta
Catrinel Zaharia