From local to Intergalactic: The story of Adservio

Adservio, Fab Lab
Adservio, Fab Lab

Event Description

 Founders Club Iași, with the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, Qualibro, Techcelerator hosted by Fab Lab Iași, and local actors in the ecosystem is inviting you to the monthly series of meetups. We are committed to showcasing the best practices and the success stories of local startups that are scaling globally.
In this series of events, we facilitate connections for founders with business peers, advisors, investors, technology partners, innovators in local companies, and public stakeholders.
We are designing each event having in mind the already existing best practices in the local community, the frameworks of validation & scaling used to build lean startups & MVPs that accelerate international expansion. We are always considering the Paul Graham startup definition: “A startup is a temporary organization in search of a highly scalable and repeatable business model”. There is not enough to be big in your home market.

 In this new edition, we bring on stage Alexandru Holicov the CEO & Founder of Adservio, the first online educational management platform in Romania, used by over 1150 kindergartens, schools and high schools.

 Alexandru Holicov founded Adservio in Iași, 15 years ago, out of the desire to bring the future of education, closer to Romanian schools.
The company has partnerships with Microsoft, Orange, and Vodafone and has started scaling internationally.
In 2022, Adservio received a 2 million Euro funding round from Catalyst Romania.

The day agenda:
18:30 – Official start
18:30 – 19:00 Welcoming & networking
19:00 – 20:00 Fireside chat with Alexandru Holicov
20:00 – Networking and drinks

Meet our fabulous makers, entrepreneurs and world changers!

Sebastian Agachie