Founders Club Iași – Stellar Fuckups

Marius Ursache
Founders Club Iași - Fab Lab Iasi
Founders Club Iași - Fab Lab Iasi

Event Description

With the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, Qualibro, Techcelerator, powered by ROTSA and People of Tech and other local actors in the ecosystem, hosted by Fab Lab Iasi, Founders Club Iași is inviting you to the monthly series of meetups.
Our mission? To spotlight the best practices and success stories of local startups making waves on the global stage.

🌟 In this edition, we show up with Marius Ursache the Co-founder & CEO @ & @Metabeta and Cristian Graunte.- Co-Founder & Product Manager Infinite Loop Studio

🔸Marius Ursache is a serial entrepreneur, a data and process enthusiast, and he is currently focused on developing AI and data tools for applications in investing, sales, and recruitment. He holds a medical degree and a Master’s degree in Theater, and he is also a self-taught designer, developer, manager, DJ, and music producer. Over the course of the past two decades, he has gained experience in various industries, including media, design, healthcare, marketing, fintech, AI, innovation consulting, and investment advisory. During this time, he has founded four companies, established an NGO, and organized a music festival, all driven by his diverse interests.
His latest entrepreneurial endeavor, Metabeta, is dedicated to creating portfolio management software designed to efficiently manage and mitigate risks associated with investments in early-stage startups.

🔸Cristian Grăunte is Co-Founder & Product Manager Infinite Loop Studio and Founder Heroic.Team & People of Tech, brings over 10 years of experience in web development and digital marketing. He specializes in Entertainment & Talent Recruitment Systems and Service Industries in the United States. Passionate about user-centric web solutions, Cristian excels in leadership, project management, and task estimation. His expertise extends to user experience, design, front-end and back-end development, and online marketing, making him a versatile professional committed to delivering exceptional digital experiences.

🗓️ Event Agenda:
18:30 – 19:00: Welcome & Networking
19:00 – 20:00: Fireside Chat with Emmett & Florin
20:00: Networking

🔸 Register here >>

🌟 At Founders Club Iași, we’re all about connecting founders with peers, advisors, investors, tech partners, and innovators in local companies. We’re committed to sharing the best practices that empower startups to scale internationally. As Paul Graham once said, “A startup is a temporary organization in search of a highly scalable and repeatable business model.”

Are you a startup founder seeking traction or funding? A serial entrepreneur on the lookout for the next big thing? A talented developer or marketer ready to take the plunge? Join our live and interactive events, pitch your ideas to be featured in a future session.

Are you an achiever interested in sharing your success story as a future speaker? Let us know!

Join us at our regular events to meet successful startups in Romania that have defied gravity and validated their business cases. Let’s take your startup journey to new heights 💹

Meet our fabulous makers, entrepreneurs and world changers!

În acest meetup câțiva membri din comunitate vor ține prezentări-fulger (până la 5 minute fiecare) despre topicul preferat de fiecare, legat de UX desigur. See you soon!
Dragă comunitate, Este timpul pentru noua întâlnire #4 People of Design & Tech în care să înflorească la unison inspirația, socializarea și voia bună! De data aceasta, vă așteptăm cu doi invitați complementari: Silviu Teodor-Stanciu, designer și lector universitar la Facultatea de Arte Vizuale și Design (UNAGE Iași) și Cristian Josan, General Manager - Amazon Development Center Romania. Ceea ce au în comun este o mentalitate puternică de creștere, care aduce mediul lor la următorul nivel.
We are thrilled to announce our first local edition of Moldova Demo Day on April 10th in Iași, at Fab Lab3, organized by the Romanian Tech Startups Association along with our local partner People of Tech Iași.
Valentin Măzăreanu
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Anamaria Lăzăruc
tim că în spatele rolului de medic se află câte o persoană cu o mulțime de aspirații, motivații și dorințe - toate adunate pentru a face bine celor din jur și de a le diminua suferința. Cu aceste persoane ne întâlnim pentru a creiona idei și proiecte care să sprijine calitatea serviciilor medicale din prezent și din viitor. Te invităm să te alături comunității de medici, dacă ești student în an terminal la Facultatea de Medicină / medic rezident / medic specialist. Pentru înscriere, accesează link-ul următor:
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Andrei Onofrei
The new form of online communication has brought great improvement possibilities, by overcoming the limitations of time and space. However, online presence have also modified the communication rules, e.g., those related to proxemics or the challenge in reading nonverbal cues. And those need a little adjusting to adapt to this new form of everyday communication. Body language is one of these ways. I invite you to discuss together how body language has changed in this virtual world, as well as some techniques to improve your listening and overall communication in the virtual world. Bring also your experiences, questions and challenges in virtual world!